Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering Consultants & Specialized Testing Center
UAE and Dubai Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) Specialists

Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering Consultants & Specialized Testing Center (GEEC) provides land and offshore construction industry with suitable solutions and consultations and even more services .
We are the leading experts in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East in Seismic Hazard Assessment and Soil Dynamics and the leading specialist in CPT (Cone Penetration Test). Our involvement with the earth and foundation work of several major UAE projects has given us an extensive understanding of UAE subsoils, and we have undertaken many high-level consultancy jobs in the country.
With our highly qualified staff, consultants and specialists, GEEC will provide your project with much more than standardized Laboratory and in-situ testing and consultancy. GEEC will Provide your project with the most economical and innovative Geotechnical and Ground Engineeing Solution in full compliance with international codes of design and professional paractice.
GEEC Managing Director And Partner: Prof. Dr. Azm S. Al-Homoud, Geotechnical Engineering Consultant, Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering Consultants & Specialized Testing Center, P. O. Box 113222, Dubai, UAE. E-mail: info@geo-gulf.com, Fax: 00971-4-3609254, Phone: 00971-4-3609253, Mobile: 00971-50-7361267.

GEEC bring to the UAE and Gulf region the MIT World Class Geotechnical and professional Experience.
The Technical Director of GEEC Prof. Dr. Azm Al-Homoud is an MIT PhD Graduate since 1990.
The MIT state of the art knowledge, practices and innovative professional developments in the field of Geotechnical Engineering are applied in serving our clients.
GEEC also consider involving the MIT World Class Experts and specialists in providing our professional services for highly specialized and challenging jobs in the UAE, and Arabian GULF and Middle East regions as needed.